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SkillBuilder® LMS: The Right Choice for Today’s Learner

SkillBuilder® LMS: The Right Choice for Today’s Learner

Read on about how to narrow down which LMS best meet your needs: what features your learners, administrators and decision-makers need?

Sarah Flesher

Revolutionize Your Training with Optimized Reporting

Revolutionize Your Training with Optimized Reporting

The ability to run reports is essential for any LMS. Let's look at some of the questions that your LMS reports should be able to answer, and what kinds of data you can examine to answer them.

Jill W.

What Challenges Does the Modern Learner Face?

What Challenges Does the Modern Learner Face?

Read on to look at the challenges modern learners face, how those challenges shape their approach to learning, and how organizations can respond to their needs.

Shauna Carson

Want to Improve Your Training? Stop Boring Your Learners!

Want to Improve Your Training? Stop Boring Your Learners!

Read on to look at a few things you can incorporate into your learning program to ensure your learners stay engaged with their training.

Sarah Flesher

Measuring the Impact of Your Learning Program

Measuring the Impact of Your Learning Program

Read on to look at why it is so important to measure the impact of your training, and how you can do this without having to grow another set of hands.

Jill W.

Who is the Modern Corporate Learner?

Who is the Modern Corporate Learner?

This article will help you discover who the modern corporate learner is, and how you can design learning that engages millennials.

Sarah Flesher

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