How to Implement a Learning Management System in Your Organization

Delaney Caulfield

What are the benefits to choosing a learning management system rather than a different learning platform?

You may be considering whether a learning management system (LMS) is right to deliver, update, or maintain training information for your organization. An LMS is presented through a user interface that is controlled by the administrator. The admin sets up the program and can track the learner's progress through reports and analytics. When the learner logs in, they see a learning path that they can click through to access the different program components.

There are, of course, other options to consider depending on what you want your learner to have access to.

There's the less common learning experience platform (LXP), which can be a more open and flexible learning environment compared to an LMS. The learner has more freedom to choose what information they want to ingest, taking professional development into their own hands. If you're looking to enable continuous learning for your employees, an LXP would be more suitable than an LMS, which is very specific about what course information is available to the learner.


A learning content management system (LCMS) is a software application that supports learning but is also able to develop and store online courseware, as well as create and organize new eLearning content. The LCMS manages content creation and gives authors, training administrators, and subject matter experts direct access to create, store, repurpose and manage their eLearning content. If you want to learn how your user is learning and accessing content this may be a preferred alternative to an LMS.

If, however, you are simply looking for a system that gives you the ability to manage learners, deliver and organize curriculum, assess learners, and track and report on learners' progress, performance and evaluation, then an LMS is for you.

How would I go about implementing a learning management system at my organization?


Once you've determined that an LMS is right for delivering your organization's competency-based learning program, the next step is choosing which LMS you want to move forward with. To do that, you'll need to complete a needs assessment to better understand precisely what is needed for your training. You'll also need to:

  • Determine the scope of your training: Chances are there will always be some form of training that is necessary to implement or continuously update
  • Identify your organizational structure: Choose a product that can work with your current system and for your company's growth trajectory
  • Define business requirements: What are the critical decisions that must be made to successfully meet your objectives
  • Determine key stakeholders: Who are the key decision-makers

You may find it beneficial to form a team of experts to help determine the answers to the above questions, and any others that may be helpful in selecting an LMS. In our next blog, we'll explore an easy to use, flexible LMS that can automate your entire training program.

This is the second article in a three-part series covering Chapter 22 of our Skilling Up textbook. To access other articles in this series, please navigate below.

Article 1 - What is a Learning Management System?

Article 3 - The Ultimate Learning Management System for Your Business

Ready to revolutionize your organization's learning experience? Download our latest eBook now to uncover the secrets behind successful LMS implementation and create engaging content that inspires your learners.

Download the Free Ebook

Delaney Caulfield

Delaney graduated from McMaster University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Cultural Studies. After working in an assortment of industries, she spent nearly a decade sharpening her writing and editing skills in the fast-paced field of journalism. Now she works as an Instructional Designer with BaseCorp where she enjoys flexing her passion for learning and creativity.