Tourism HR Canada (THRC)
When Learning Goes Global
The Challenge
Tourism HR Canada (THRC) needed a blend of online and paper-based training and certification to meet the needs of a global student base.
The Solution
In 2011, THRC selected SkillBuilder® LMS to replace its existing platform with a cloud-based LMS and Storefront.
For THRC to achieve their goal of reaching a large volume of national and international learners, it was vital that individual organizations be able to manage their own groups of learners as well as manage groups by physical location.
Meeting these needs also helped their learners gain foreign credential recognition, and achieve employment faster.
The Results
SkillBuilder® software has powered the emerit site to:
- generate revenue and financial controls
- expand their product catalogue
- ensure data encryption for secure online learning
- create a bilingual site available to over 60,000 learners
Now, with flexible online and paper-based training and exam delivery options, professional certification is available for nearly 30 occupations, whether the buyer is from Detroit, Dubai, or Duluth.
THRC learners are accessing the SkillBuilder® platform more easily, enhancing the learning experience.