Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC) Customer Success
AGLC is the Government of Alberta's Crown commercial enterprise and agency that oversees the gaming, liquor and cannabis industries in Alberta. AGLC regulates gaming, liquor and cannabis products provided to all Albertans. They are committed to making choices Albertans can trust.
AGLC’s SMART Programs provide social responsibility training to workers in the liquor, gaming and cannabis sectors. To comply with AGLC’s policies, workers at licensed premises must have the certification required for the work they do. Certifications offered include ProServe, SellSafe, ProTect, Reel Facts, Deal Us In, A Good Call, GAIN and Anti-Money Laundering.
The Challenge
As part of their mandate, AGLC was looking for both curriculum development and program delivery, as well as support for thousands of gaming, liquor and cannabis establishments and employees. Their certification program had to be reliable, have strong reporting capabilities, and be accessible to learners 24/7. Access to certifications and course completions for Inspectors also had to meet strict regulatory requirements.
The solution
Our partnership with AGLC began in 2004 with the design and implementation of the ProServe learning portal as well as curriculum development. ProServe training was developed in a variety of formats, including facilitated sessions, self-directed paper-based instruction, and online learning.
The SkillBuilder Team also completed and currently maintain automated integrations with several other AGLC proprietary systems.
The results
From the ProServe website, AGLC manages the seminar registration process, sells the self-directed course materials and delivers online training. To date, over 450,000 learners have completed the program, with thousands more completing the other course offerings we are continually updating to stay current with evolving regulatory requirements.