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Showing posts from Learning Management Systems

Maximizing Your LMS Demo and Free Trial

Maximizing Your LMS Demo and Free Trial

Download our Maximizing Your LMS Demo or Free Trial eBook to ensure you get the most out of this investment, and choose the right LMS for your organization.

Sarah Flesher

Your LMS Search: Who to Have on Your Team

Your LMS Search: Who to Have on Your Team

This article will explore how you can use a team to search for the right LMS by looking at who the team should include and what team members should be looking for.

Jill W.

Fostering a Relationship with Your LMS Vendor

Fostering a Relationship with Your LMS Vendor

This article will identify and discuss seven things you can do to help foster a positive relationship with your LMS vendor.

Shauna Carson

Vendor Comparison: Who’s Backing Your LMS?

Vendor Comparison: Who’s Backing Your LMS?

A great Learning Management System (LMS) is worthless if you can't get support when you need it. You need an LMS backed by the right vendor. Read on to look at how to evaluate and compare LMS vendors.

Sarah Flesher

Is It Time to Invest in a Learning Management System?

Is It Time to Invest in a Learning Management System?

An LMS is a big investment - in time and in dollars. Read on to look at some arguments you may hear against investing in an LMS. As you read, consider if any of these arguments ring true for your organization, and how you may counter them.

Shauna Carson

Getting the Most Out of BaseCorp’s RFI and RFP Templates

Getting the Most Out of BaseCorp’s RFI and RFP Templates

Read on to look into more detail regarding our eBook Creating an Effective RFP for Your LMS Project, our RFI and RFP templates, and how they can help you create a powerful RFP.

Sarah Flesher

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