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Maximizing Your LMS Demo and Free Trial

Maximizing Your LMS Demo and Free Trial

Download our Maximizing Your LMS Demo or Free Trial eBook to ensure you get the most out of this investment, and choose the right LMS for your organization.

Sarah Flesher

Your LMS Search: Who to Have on Your Team

Your LMS Search: Who to Have on Your Team

This article will explore how you can use a team to search for the right LMS by looking at who the team should include and what team members should be looking for.

Jill W.

Spotting the Void in Your L&D Toolbox: How can you tell if something is missing in your L&D program?

Spotting the Void in Your L&D Toolbox: How can you tell if something is missing in your L&D program?

This article will provide some tips and tricks to help corporate organizations find what's missing in their learning and development (L&D) strategy. It will also identify current trends that you may want to consider adding to your toolbox.

Shauna Carson

Successfully Incorporating Visuals into Online Training: Part Two - Video

Successfully Incorporating Visuals into Online Training: Part Two - Video

In the first part of this series, I looked at how to effectively incorporate graphics into your eLearning. Now, let's turn our attention to video.

Sarah Flesher

Successfully Incorporating Visuals into Online Training: Part One - Graphics

Successfully Incorporating Visuals into Online Training: Part One - Graphics

One great thing about developing online training is that you can add a variety of media to your course. Read on to take a closer look at different types of graphics and their uses.

Sarah Flesher

Fostering a Relationship with Your LMS Vendor

Fostering a Relationship with Your LMS Vendor

This article will identify and discuss seven things you can do to help foster a positive relationship with your LMS vendor.

Shauna Carson

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