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Tackling the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve in Corporate Training

Tackling the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve in Corporate Training

What do you recall about the last eLearning module you completed? If you’re like most of us, not much.

Sarah Flesher

Building Meaningful eLearning Assessments: Summative Online Test Questions

Building Meaningful eLearning Assessments: Summative Online Test Questions

Read on to look at some strategies for building fair and meaningful eLearning assessment items.

Jill W.

Why Employees Demand L&D Resources, But Don't Make the Time to Learn

Why Employees Demand L&D Resources, But Don't Make the Time to Learn

Read on about the number one challenge for talent development: getting employees to make time for learning.

Shauna Carson

Six Creative Ways to Enhance Existing Training Programs

Six Creative Ways to Enhance Existing Training Programs

This article will identify six simple and easy to implement strategies for enhancing your existing learning program without spending a lot of effort, time and money.

Sarah Flesher

Corporate Training: 3 Ways to Reinforce Skill Retention

Corporate Training: 3 Ways to Reinforce Skill Retention

This article will briefly outline an on-the-job learning cycle that can be applied in all industries and discuss three key elements for reinforcing skill retention: repetition, applicability and use of technology.

Jill W.

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