Government of Northwest Territories (GNWT) Customer Success
The Northwest Territories of Canada include regions of Dehcho, North Slave, Sahtu, South Slave and Inuvik, with a population of approximately 50,000 people over 1.3 million square kilometers. The Government of Northwest Territories (GNWT) offers a number of education and training programs for K-12 and post-secondary students, adult education, and members of the community.
In 2018, the GNWT approached Base Corp. for the design and delivery of two online programs: the Early Childhood Development Program and their SafeServe Certification.
The Challenge
The GNWT was looking to enhance the delivery of their education programs. They not only wanted to create interactive and engaging courseware, they needed the ability to reach a diverse population spread over a large geographic area.
The Solution
Leveraging content and subject matter experts from the NWT and other jurisdictions, the SkillBuilder team designed and developed modern, interactive online courses utilizing the latest course authoring and delivery technologies.
With assistance from the SkillBuilder team, the GNWT then implemented these two distinct courses via our learning management system, which allowed learners from across the NWT to engage in the courseware at their convenience.
In addition, the SkillBuilder team continues to provide Instructor support for the Early Childhood Program.
The Results
Learners across the NWT now enjoy improved access to these programs, which deliver modern, interactive learning to a geographically diverse audience.